Read what veterans are saying about their Honor Flight experience.
Dear Eastern Iowa Honor Flight Volunteers,
I wanted to thank your organization for allowing my son and I to participate in Honor Flight 45 on November 2. It was a wonderful experience and I am confident everyone who participated feels the same way. The fact the flight had to be postponed from October 18 made the trip that much more memorable. I can’t imagine the effort needed to reschedule such a short turn around. This was a day I will cherish forever.
Thanks again, Roger

To the Honor Flight 45 staff.
I cannot thank you enough for the Honor Flight Book you sent to all of us.
May God bless you all.

To all 45th Honor Flight Board and staff:
Thank yo sooo much for all the hard work and effort that made the Honor Flight on November 2nd a success. I have never been to DC and doubt I would ever go, but your hard work made it happen. I was absolutely blown away with the coordination and efficiency of the days events. I was able to have my son accompany me as my guardian, which made it even more special. You know how remarkable this is for us or you wouldn’t continue working so hard.
Maybe the best part of the day was the return to the Cedar Rapids Airport. That reception was awesome! It says a lot about the people in Cedar Rapids and surrounding area willing to come out for supporting returning vets. I got a little emotional there. Honestly, it is something I will remember the rest of my life.
Thank you, Don, Vietnam vet.

Thank you so much for all the volunteers for making my trip a very special memorable day.
Thanks again.

I want to thank the Eastern Iowa Honor Flight representatives and volunteer staff for the most wonderful trip of a lifetime. It was very well organized and the staff was so supportive and welcoming. The reception at both ends of the flight was so overwhelming that it brought tears. Thank you very much.
I also want to thank the Vinton Lions Club for sponsoring this flight. Their passion for the veterans is beyond words.
Carroll Kusserow

Dear Dick and all the Honor Flight organizers/ helpers/advisors,
I was privileged to go on the Vinton Lions Club Honor Flight recently (as a Vinton Lion for 46 years) and the entire experience was absolutely incredible. I can’t think of anything more you could have done to have made the day any better. Many of us were blown away by the reception we received in DC and in CR. However, the real tear jerker was the mail packet. That was a complete and overwhelming surprise.
Thank you so much for what you do. Special thanks to Roger Uthoff for all his work with and promotion of the Honor Flight.
Frank Van Steenhuyse

To the board members and all volunteers involved in the Eastern Iowa Honor Flight.
I went on the May 17th Honor Flight and wanted to let you all know that I and my guardian Randy had an extremely great time. You could so tell this wasn’t government involved because it was so organized.
Thank you, Larry

Dear Eastern Iowa Honor Flight Staff.
There is simply no words or phrase that can convey the thanks that I want to express for being allowed to participate in yesterday’s Honor Flight to and from Washington, D.C. and for all of what the day contained for us veterans. The flawless flow of the day’s activities could only be the result of the impeccable planning, hard work, and sacrifice of a dedicated staff; the kind of selflessness exhibited by those who stand in the defense of our nation.
I think that yesterday’s flight and public reception received by the vets was an agent of closure and healing of still present pain and scorn and hate which many received as they returned home from the war zones in the 1960’s and 70’s.
Good bless you all, and all of your efforts.

Thank you for a wonderful day. Everything was so well planned out. I will encourage others to get signed up.
Thank you,

Thank you to everyone involved with the 43rd Eastern Iowa Honor Flight on May 17th. From beginning to end, the day was so well organized. It was a day filled with camaraderie, memories, patriotism, and thankfulness. My son and I were very impressed. It was a day we will never forget.
Thank you, Earl.

Honor Flight Sponsors and Volunteers: I want to give you a great big thank you from me and my son, Jason, who was also in the Army in Desert Storm, for the wonderful trip and all that was done and given to us. It made for a very memorable day that we will never forget. Everything was top notch! My only disappointment was we didn’t have more time there, but I understand schedules.
Thank you so much.

Dear Dick
Honor Flight 41 escapes words to describe the wonderful experience! It was an experience of a lifetime that me and my family will always treasure.
You and your great board have done an outstanding job from start to finish of achieving something that few Americans will experience. When I came into Des Moines airport on December 19th, 1969 coming back on emergence leave from Viet Nam, I felt totally ignored in my uniform. On October 19th, 2021 I walked into the ramp and was was met first by your crew, then the State Troopers, County and City Law Enforcement which all made me feel really good. But then, I couldn’t believe what I saw next! A HUGE CROWD! My first reaction, and I said to the Patriot Guard, shit, this is unbelievable, is this real? I remember thanking you as you came as you came down the aisle the plane for the great Red Folder, and you said just wait, I have one more surprise.I told my son I wonder what that will be? Let me say, EVERYTHING was great up to and and including the RED FOLDER with the great letters from my family. I can’t even describe the feeling that I had when almost everyone who shook my hand and gave me a hug and said WELCOME HOME! It took me just a while for it to sink in, WELCOME HOME! REALLY, is this happening? Dick, you are perfect for the job of President of this organization, I sincerely mean it. You stopped at the Lincoln Memorial and told me and my son the Silent Marine group was next. I told my son that is the main guy!!! We were impressed. By the way, I failed to remember the wonderful lady’s name who was in charge of the white bus! She was perfect for the job and really a great human being, please tell her I said so.
I will treasure this great trip and everything that happened, but I will never forget the WELCOME HOME CROWD, NEVER!!!
On behalf of my son, Josh, my family and me, THANK YOU AND YOUR GREAT ORGANIZATION for one of the most wonderful happenings in my life. I can’t thank you enough.
Jerry S. Powers

In all my 95 years I have never been given such respect and kindness as I received at the Sunday orientation. The orientation was absolutely fantastic! I was not expecting it. The flying flag and Honor Guard was wonderful. Thank you so much.
Cheryl Beacher

To all the people involved with the Eastern Iowa Honor Flight. I want to thank you for a very special day. I was so impressed with the day and will always remember it.
Thank you to everyone involved, it was great!

Dear Honor Flight staff and volunteers,
Yours is truly the gift that keeps on giving. On top of all the touching experience of the journey itself and the hundreds of photos on-line, and then October 28th the beautiful memorial book of photos. Truly a bountiful blessing. On November 11th I showed my photos a second time to our VFW post. I hope to inspire a few other veterans to apply. You have served well!
John Miller.

Just a thank you for a very memorable journey. I will never forget a well thought out event.
Roger Eaton

To all the wonderful people @ EIHF.
You guys and gals are amazing! You all do so much behind the scenes work in order for our veterans to feel like royalty. And then the day itself is filed with so many opportunities, tokens, and most importantly, love. Thanks for everything.

To: Dick Bell,
Thank you for allowing me to go on an Honor Flight with all the board and staff and guardians to Washington DC. It’s a dream I’ll remember forever. The guardians who make the day an opportunity to share my stories, I laughed with tears in my eyes. She, Jean Connors was great. I loved being with her.

Thank you for the Honor Flights for veterans in Eastern Iowa. Thank you for the guardians like Jean Connors. She loved my stories and I cried telling them to her.
Larry Harmsen

Dear Honor Flight Committee Eastern Iowa,
Had a trip of a lifetime on Honor Flight 40. You guys and gals had all your ducks in a row and all the bases covered. Couldn’t ask for more.

To the Honor Flight Staff and Volunteers.
My husband, Steve, and our son Tracy went on the Honor Flight October 5th. They both had a fantastic time and made many wonderful memories. Thank you for all that you do to make these Flights happen. It is very much appreciated.
Steve and Karen.

The Honor Flight of 10-19-21 was outstanding. I can’t thank you enough for the experience and memories. The honors I received were beyond my wildest dreams and I will cherish forever. Everyone was so kind and great to be with. I didn’t realize until the end the helpers were all volunteers. Their service was fantastic!
Thanks again, God bless you all.

Dear All,
Honor Flight 41.
I was just recently on the “Eastern Iowa Honor Flight” 10/19/21 to Washington DC. I just want to express my heartfelt thanks to all of you volunteers for all the planning and coordination that goes into this day. I was overwhelmed. Thank you.
Pat, Grinnell, Iowa

December 1, 2019
I just received a nice surprise, beautiful well done book about the trip. Thanks to all who had part in making this possible. I have been on trips over the last few years, none have been organized as well as this was. What a pleasure my son and I had on this trip, I can only imagine how much organization this involves. Any veteran who does not apply to your organization is missing the trip of a lifetime. The other surprise was on the way home and all the nice items in the envelope handed out to each veteran. The airport with all the visitors welcoming home veterans was unbelievable. We had one of our monthly VVA meetings and I told them about the trip of a lifetime. Your organization is tops. Thank you a million times over. Will never forget this trip. Thanks again Eastern Iowa Honor Flight.
honor flight.

October 15th Flight
Yesterday I was privileged to be a member of the Hy-Vee sponsored flight. Thank you for all the effort that went into making the trip a great success. It was very meaningful. The reception in DC when we arrived and in CR when we landed was very gratifying and emotional. The respect shown to the Veterans was good to see and feel. Congratulations on your top-drawer effort.
Thank you,

Honor Flight, September 17, 2019
October 3, 2019.
My husband Bill was fortunate to have the opportunity to fly as a veteran of the Vietnam conflict to Washington D.C. on the Eastern Iowa Honor Flight. This took place on September 17, 2019. He was treated with such love and respect by everyone involved in this patriotic endeavor of thanks! Although he is suffering from the beginning of dementia, he was able to observe that he and his fellow veterans were treated at the Airport Welcome Home ceremony like “dignitaries” and he arrived home with a big smile on his face. His guide took care of him and his friend George with solicitude during the entire experience and deserves much appreciation. Bill was able to view the name of his deceased brother on the Vietnam Wall Memorial for the first time and it meant a lot to him.
God bless you all.
Bill and Janice

October 19, 2019
Dear Connie,
I am writing this letter on behalf of my brother James.
First off, Jim really appreciated and enjoyed the trip. The opportunity for my brother to participate in the September 17th Honor Flight to Washington D.C. was especially appreciated considering Jim’s physical challenges.
I would like to express my personal thank you to you, Charlie Ross, Jim’s guardian and all the volunteers who provide such a fantastic service to our veterans.

17 October, 2019
Thank you to the volunteers and Board of Directors of the Eastern Iowa Honor Flight for the wonderful book I received about Flight 37. Such an honor to receive this book of remembrances. Also again thank you for the wonderful, well organized trip on September 17. So proud to be veteran and have served my country during the Vietnam war. God be with all of you! Proud to be an American.

October 3, 2019
I am a vet and just went on the Eastern Iowa Honor Flight. What an honor and what a wonderful day. I was treated like a queen! Everything went smoothly and well organized. Police escorts were great and having wheel chairs available also. The greeting and thank you’s in D.C. and when we returned . The terminal was packed. It was thrilling walking down the middle aisle with greeters on both sides.
Thank you so much for this opportunity and for your dedication.

I was honored to be on the Sept. 17, 2019 flight to D.C. It was a wonderful trip and I appreciate very much being able to go. Everyone was so kind and helpful. My guardian was very patient and helpful.
Thank you

Eastern Iowa Honor Flight
I would like to thank everyone involved with the Honor Flight I took on October 15. What a FIRST CLASS ORGANIZATION with the whole day experience. What really stood out for me was the reception at the Cedar Rapids Airport when we got back that night, the Reception at Washington DC Airport, seeing the Vietnam Wall and seeing the name on the wall of a classmate of mine. Also the visit to Arlington Cemetery.
Thank you for a great day!

October 19, 2019
Dick Bell-Eastern Iowa Honor Flight
Dear Dick,
My vocabulary is inadequate to find the words to properly thank you and your staff for the wonderful Honor Flight to Washington on October 15. What you all did for me and the other veterans ranks right up there with my wedding day and birth of my first child. Maybe ecstatic describes how I felt at the applause in the Washington Airport, but most of all from the huge crowd the Cedar Rapids Airport when we returned. You and your staff did a perfect job at organizing this trip right down to the smallest detail.