Veteran Application
All veterans are encouraged to apply. Priority is given to World War II Veterans, Korean Conflict Veterans, and Veterans with advanced health concerns followed by Vietnam Veterans and Veterans from other conflicts. Even if you did not serve in combat you are still eligible to apply. Our mission is to take every veteran who applies. Due to a large waiting list please apply only once, your applications are kept on file.
Who is eligible to apply? Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard, Reserves, and National Guard veterans serving during war or peace time, serving over seas or stateside.
The Eastern Iowa Honor Flight accepts applications from veterans in Benton, Iowa, Jasper, Jones, Johnson, Linn, Marshall, Tama, Poweshiek and Washington Counties. Veterans from surrounding areas are welcome if they are able to fly from The Eastern Iowa Airport in Cedar Rapids.
For Eastern Iowa Honor Flight information, please contact our Staff at or call at (855) 344-3435 Ext 1.
If you would prefer to download an application form please click here.
All fields with a * must be filled in.